First Prints, Mishapes / Misprints


First Prints

We always try and print every single dice tower we have before listing on our website, first prints are those, they are good enough to sell with no defects but they could be smoother, finer printer, better infill. Its usually whilst we are getting the settings correct or seeing which printer is best suited to print the dice tower out with.

Mishaps / Misprints

Sometimes stupid things happen, such as we run out of filament, so the top of the mountain is missing for example or perhas some of the trees have snapped off, maybe the base has warped slighty on one corner due to the head of the printed bed being wrong, or the horns of the bull have snapped off, but someone could fix, it doesnt effect the dice tower in any working way.

It could be that the print has too much stringing for us to be comfortable in selling it full or discount price, so you can grab yourself a steal / a real bargin.

In this instant, we usually just charge enough to try and cover some of the costings of the filaments.

Delivery Charges

Sadly we have to charge delivery, we cant get away from this, the usually delivery charges apply to all orders.